Darlingly Pretentious

The Blog of a Hopeful

Writing (or a lack thereof) June 14, 2009

Filed under: novel — addiek @ 4:34 am
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I have put off working on my book at all for about a week now. Suddenly, I have the urge to start hammering out some bits of it.

Truth be told, I’m terrified to actually start writing the thing because of the chance (or likelihood) that it will go all blehhh like my writing normally do. =/ Buuuut I like this story. I feel like it needs some real life to it.

The only thing I am missing is that I cannot figure out my narrators real purpose is yet. I have my main character all planned out, but now the voice of the story needs to be defined. =/ Uggh.

But I will find it. It will be done. I refuse to let this story fall into the depths of every other idea that never made it past notebook paper.