Darlingly Pretentious

The Blog of a Hopeful

The first steps to becoming the next American Idol June 16, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — addiek @ 7:04 pm

Yepp. I woke up at 4:45 this morning, got to the GA Dome at about 6:15 and the line was long as Hades already. Fortunately, we found some interesting people about my age to hang around with. The line creeped along for a while. We would move in in bursts at one point, but an American Idol techie kept shouting “Give yourself space, they’re not going in yet, they’re just scrunching up.”

There were cameras, and of course, people who were willing to act a fool for that camera. We ‘wooh-ed’ and ‘yeah-ed’ for the group cameras a few times. It was interesting. Thursday will be worse about it.

All in all, we were out of there decently quick though. We were out by about 8:45-9:00 ish. I am now armed with my bright-pink wristband, so you better watch yourself people… Haha.

Right now, we are trying to fugure out cheap and fun things to do in Atlanta to fill the time between now and auditions on Thursday.