Darlingly Pretentious

The Blog of a Hopeful

My AI experience June 19, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — addiek @ 5:22 pm

So, I woke up at 3:30 in the morning after about an hour of sleep. We then drove around Atlanta (and got lost, again) until we found the GA Dome. The line around it was absurd. After paying $10 to park, we walk around the building until we come to a field with two roped off squares, one of which was already filled with people. We stand in this square for about an hour. At about six thirty they move us to the original line, and we get to Gate B and stand there for another hour.

When we finally start moving, we get around the whole building pretty quickly. They checked only wristbands at the door and we found our seats. Once in the seats, there was a guy on the field shouting Britney Spears at me for an twenty minutes. Then the real fun began.

They shot the crowd song and greeting all repeately. That was annoying.  At about 9:30, they let the people who won the Disney Experience go audition first, which about 3 of them got through. It took hours to get through the first three sections of people before it got to my seating section.

Once on the field, I was shaking I was so nervous. I tried to calm my nerves as well as I could before I got to the table. I saw three people get through to the next round, only one of which had any talent.

When I sang, I was ok but I was shaky. The judge said that all of us (in the line) had nice voices, but we just weren’t up to par with what they had in mind for next season.


Its ok. I think I would have better luck going out on my own with my own songs anyway.

All in all, it was a fun experience. I met a lot of neat peope and saw a city I had never been to before. (My mom and aunt absolutely abhorred Atlanta, though. Pfft, country-dwellers. =P)